Thursday, May 24, 2007


I've been tagged by Monica to list a few "things" ...

1) Thing that makes me happy
The nieces most fab make me happy. They are fun, intelligent, sweet, love me unconditionally and are HIGHLY entertaining.

2) Funny thing that happened yesterday
I guess this is funny...I was bopping down the halls dancing and flailing my arms like a spastic 2 year old and unexpectedly encountered my Marketing Director (my manager's manager). It was all good. He thought I was hilarious.

3) Thing I love to eat
Fresh mango. It's an almost orgasmic experience. I moan and groan. Juice dribbles everywhere. If there is such a thing as food porn - I am its Jemma Jameson when I'm eating a mango.

4) Things that bug me
It irks me to no end when people who are going to turn left at a light do not advance to the middle of the intersection. What the heck are you waiting for? Move your ass out to the middle so you can be ready to turn when the opportunity presents itself.

5) A thing I have on right now
Thong Sandals . I am such an old school dresser when it comes to work. Jeans are about as far as I would push the envelope. Open toed shoes - fuggedaboudit! But today, I threw caution to the wind and wore jeans, a polo and thong sandals. However, I did have to wear my pearl set (earrings and necklace) to compensate.

6) Thing I did once that was technically dumb but turned out okay

7) Thing I plan to do today
Go to bed early so I can hit the gym at 5:30 tomorrow.

1 comment:

Traveling Matt said...

hey dude, you could have come up with different "things. Oh well. Why were you flailing about in the hall? people are fgonna start whispering... ;)