Monday, June 25, 2007

The really reals...

Yeah, so I've still retained some of the corporate vernacular. What's a girl to do?

Today is the day that I officially begin heading towards the next horizon and I've made some decisions:

1. Want to leave the US
2. Want to help people
3. Willing to do 1&2 while speaking a foreign language

So how does a most fab chick make this happen? That's still in the works. However, my benevolent former employer has given me "retraining" money. I'm going to head over to Berlitz and bone up on my Spanish and my French....if there's enough dough left over, I'm also going to look at going to some conferences and learing Portuguese.

Right now I am at a most awesome independet coffee shop trying to intelligently articulate my pimp job on my resume. Not only does this place have free WiFi, they have an addictive drink called a Mexican Latte - chocolate, cinnamon and cayenne pepper. Those who know me well know that I like a little caliente kick to go with my chocolate (double entrendre intended). If I were going to stay in this burg and were going to buy a house, I would do so in the neighborhood where this coffee shop calls home, but that's another story for another day....

Back to making it happen. I have a meeting with my old manager tomorrow to talk about a reco for the Peace Corps. Don't freak out, the Peace Corps is recruitng MBAs to do NGO advising and business development assignments. Although a fab chick is not opposed to digging the occasional ditch, she knows that her strenghs lie elsewhere.

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