Saturday, November 3, 2007

What's going on...

I've received (and accepted) a job offer and I'm relocating to the East Coast.

I love the East Coast. NYC, Philly,Boston,Jersey,Vermont... it's going to be most awesome.

Take it away, Stinky Wizzleteats:


Traveling Matt said...

well... i'l be visiting!

Danielle said...

Congratulations. I hail from Boston and miss it sooooo much.

Wishing you well


Apex Zombie said...

Congratulations! I've always wanted to visit New York. I want to go to a taping of the Late Show :)

Foofa said...

Congrats! So awesome. I want details.

Urban Chick said...

Monica: There's always a warm bed and a plate of good food for ya.

Danielle: Thanks. I have a good friend in Boston so I'll be heading up that way every now and then.

Fat Lazy Guy: It's definitely a place you should experience...even if the writer's strike has put Letterman on ice for the time being. But hey, I can't be mad at the writers for fighting for their rights.

Urban Chick said...

Natalie: I'll e-mail you the skinny.