Sunday, January 27, 2008

I've been tagged

Kepa has tagged me with a meme. I figured I'd get one sooner or later.

Here we go...

1.Answer the question, “What do you expect from your blog?” and try to be as specific as possible. Avoid warm-fuzzy answers unless that really is your thing. Link back to the blog who tagged you so your readers can check others’ answers.

Nothing really. I didn't come into this with any expectations. However, I have found it's a great way to express myself (the good, the bad and the meh) and get different perspective on things from different people.

2.Tag at least five bloggers with the same question.
Hmmm...Monica, Natalie, Lady T, Cactus Freak and CMAE


Apex Zombie said...

Cheers for paticipating. Sorry it didn't give you much to answer :)

Foofa said...

Oh...i was kidding about the tagging. I just wanted to be funny