Sunday, February 10, 2008

Easin' on down...

A blustery Sunday afternoon in Jersey...what to do? what to do?

Since I have no books that I haven't read/feel like reading over again - I turn to my good friend Comcast. Normally, Comcast is pretty disappointing. But today was different. HBO was showing "The Wiz".

I heart "The Wiz". I've seen it so many times. But this time, I noticed a few things:

-How talented MJ was in this movie.: His voice is AMAZING. Particularly when singing the Crow Anthem. Even his acting was good. Such a shame, such a shame.

-The similarities between Diana Ross and Whitney Houston: Miss Ross can't dance. To save her life. She and Whitney are cut from the same cloth. Nor can she act...much like Whitney. She needs a burger or too....much like Whitney.

- Dorothy is from Harlem. Prior to moving to this area, south of 125th meant nothing to me.

- There are a lot of sublte fun things in the movie....the "Don't Ease" signs when they meet the Lion. The Nathan's sign when they leave with the Tin Man. Teeny looks A LOT like Evillene.


Apex Zombie said...

I've not seen the Wiz, but I assume it's a remake of the Wizard of Oz?

Foofa said...

I also heart that movie. I never thought how much Teenie looks like Eveline but you are so right. Every time a cab pulls away I smile.

K. said...

Hey Urban chick,
I followed your Link from Lady T's comment page. First time I visit your site, and I like it. Where in Jersey do you live? I am in West new York, NJ. Take care,

Traveling Matt said...

Can you. Feel A. Brand new daaaaaaayyyyy