Monday, February 18, 2008

Socks are the wives of the feet...

I'm on my way home from kickboxing tonight and am channel surfing on the radio. Until I come across something that makes me stop.

A man with a very familiar French accent is translating random things from French to English....belt, dress, shoes, slippers. Then it takes a wierd turn...high-heeled shoes, bra, tampon, sanitary pad. And when I think it can't get any stranger....he starts translating a ditty about socks.

"Socks are the wives of the feet. They are knitted. They are for big feet, small feet, crooked feet and even feet that smell bad"

Gotta love public radio.

And the familiar French accent...I thought it was francophone African but it turns out it was Haitian.


Foofa said...

Why can't socks be the husbands of the feet? Misogynistic song.

Traveling Matt said...

socks are my feet's 2nd cousins...