Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Sad State of Affairs

I have to state for the record that I have not done a lot of baking in my life. I am primarily a cook. Now, it's not that I can't's just that I don't do much of it.

However, I am making cookies as a treat for a meeting next week. Instead of printing out a recipe, I've decided to go with old faithful....the recipe that comes on the back of the yellow bag. Now, even though I'm not a baker, I know that some things make a difference (unsalted vs. salted butter, butter vs. margarine, light brown sugar vs. dark brown sugar) and the back of the yellow bag doesn't specify these things.

So what's a chick to do? Well, stand in the aisle and ask women of a certain age for advice. Here's where it gets pathetic.

Not a single woman of a certain age...or a woman of my age (including mothers) could tell me if I should use dark brown sugar or light brown sugar. Because none of these ladies baked cookies - ever. In fact, they all told me that when they wanted cookies, they broke open the refrigerated package.

Fortunately, I was able to get in touch with my sister, a most awesome baker, and she was able to help me out.


Apex Zombie said...

It gets even worse when some mothers don't even know how to cook at all.

But if you ever need any help with baking stuff, I'll do my best to help! I'm not a huge wealth of knowledge, but I know a few things :)

Urban Chick said...

And the lack of knowledge gets passed down from generation to generation.

Thanks for the offer. I think I might try that non-pavlova pavlova thingy you made. I want to do a spring or a summer themed dinner party and that would be a nice light dessert.

Apex Zombie said...

Ah cool! If you want the recipes I used, I'll send you the links

Foofa said...

I would just go with the one that was cheapest. Can you tell I cook and don't bake?