Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Waffles anyone?

Today is my next to last day at work. This morning I woke up and thought "Friday should have been my last day." If you ever have to leave a job, make your last day the day before a three day weekend...not two days after.

The group feted me with waffles at a local coffee house this morning. That's the tradition - when someone leaves or comes, we celebrate with waffles. There were lots of nice words and cool photo with a signed matte. Very sweet of them.

Right now I'm in between tired and psyched...my body is winding down for a brief respite while my mind is getting excited about going to NOLA. I've done the French Quarter thing before, so this time I'm going to go up to the Tulane area and check that out. I'm also going to eat at Emeril's restaurant. Other than that, not much planned but to chill and have fun at the wedding.

1 comment:

Traveling Matt said...

I didn't know you were going to NOLA. Yeah, what were you thinking wuiting AFTER the 3 day? Silly rabbit