Friday, September 14, 2007

A collection of stuff

Tooth fairy Part 1:
The eldest NMF lost her first tooth.
"Aunt Dawn, guess what the tooth fairy left me?"

$1.00 for one tooth. I guess that's inflation for ya.

You are What You Eat:
New show on BBCAmerica. This could be a great show if the nutritionist weren't so pissy. The interesting thing is that at the end, the fat folks feel better and look better. Plus they have a better attitude. The host is still pissy.

Take home lesson - 8 weeks of this program will leave you lighter and happy feeling...a lifetime of this program will leave you a shriveled, shrill witchy woman.

Tooth Fairy Part #2:

NMF #1: "Mommy, I saw the tooth fairy. She came in around 11 o'clock last night and put the quarters under my pillow. At first I thought it was you, but it was past your bedtime. You go to bed before 11, right Mommy?"

My sister: "Right"

NMF #1:"That's what I thought. I knew it couldn't be you because you would be in bed at that time"

3:10 to Yuma
Go see it this weekend. Christian Bale, men on horses, wonderful chase scenes, suprising humor and an ending that's so beyond good

1 comment:

Traveling Matt said...

wanna talk inflation... by the end of my baby teeth, i was getting twenties. when my sister found out, she started intentionally loosening her teeth.