Sunday, August 26, 2007

Talkin' bout my generation

On Saturday, I went to dinner with Andrea and her friends JP and Elford. The place was playing really good music from the 80s and 90s. We all went into total "back-in-the-day" mode. Which was kind of interesting, seeing as Andrea and I (at 34 and 33 respectively) have a few years on JP and Elford (neither has reached 30 quite yet). At one point, I found myself saying to them "You may not be old enough to remember this..." On the whole, the guys were able to keep up with our trip down memory lane. If there was something before their time, Elford would say "Yeah, I wasn't out of the chute yet". At one point, "Unbelievable" came on. JP and I insisted that it was Jesus Jones. Andrea, in her infinite wisdom, pulled the WTF card and said it was EMF. How random was it that JP, I guy I never met before, and I both came up with same wrong answer?

Age is a funny thing. If I didn't know how old Elford was before I met him, I would have sworn that he was closer to 33 than he is...and I would have thought JP was farther away from 33 than he is.

Andrea wins the throwback award for that night because she brought up Joe Jackson. I haven't thought about him since high school! For those who don't know, and those who want to sing along...


Traveling Matt said...

jesus jones and emf both conjure up the same WOW! 90s compilation album as seen on tv so that could be why you both got the samee wrong answer. some people still mix up black box and c+c music factory.

Traveling Matt said...

furthermore, steppin out has made about 20 appearances on my blog since it started. HAHA