Sunday, October 21, 2007

A different generation

NMF #2 continues to amaze me with her bravada. Last week, her mother gave her $1 to put in the Sunday School offering. Offering time comes around and what does chick do?

She hands the Sunday School teacher a play credit card. "Put it on the card?" The Sunday School teacher nearly fell out. It took about five minutes for the Sunday School teacher to convince NMF #2 that she couldn't take the card in lieu of cash.

Totally a different generation.


Apex Zombie said...

Haha! Wow! That's both hilarious and kind of shocking at the same time.

Urban Chick said...

Well, she's only 2...and my sister doesn't shop with cash very much. I think this is an instance of monkey see, monkey do. :D

Apex Zombie said...

Ah. Thinking about it a bit more, it provides a bit of a commentary on how we think about money in today's world.

I wonder if there will ever come the day when the church collection plate is no longer a plate, but swipe card machine :D