Friday, July 20, 2007


I was just denied individual health insurance by Humana. Why? Because I am fat. That's the sole reason that I was denied.

If I want health insurance with Humana, I can cough up $400/month for COBRA (versus $130 for the individual plan) or I can beg them for coverage by sending in a letter stating that I am a healthy fat chick (of course I'll need to include my latest blood test/physical results and a copy of my gym attendance).

Called United. It's the same thing. I'm too fat to be insured on my own....COBRA it is.



Princess Banter said...

OMG that's horrible! Is there another insurance company that you can go to -- one that is not stupid and ridiculous???

Urban Chick said...

Princess - I checked with another company...they want to charge me $280/month. If I was of an "acceptable" weight, the coverage would be $130/month. There's a department in state government that deals with this - I'm going to them on Monday to see what my options are.