Saturday, July 21, 2007

One step closer...

I opened my front door this morning and there was a packet from the Peace Corps! My pre-interview packet from the Peace Corps. I've got to submit fingerprints and all of that jazz. I'll call on Monday to schedule the interview.

In preparation for my getting out of this burg, I've started the pre-packing purge phase. Waiting until I receive marching orders will be too late. Since I'm in a waiting time, I figure it might as well be useful.

After yesterday's kick in the ovaries, I was feeling pretty down. Some words from Rev. Run put it all in perspective.

Good morning, God allows situations in your work and life that will make no sense to your dreams - aspirations that you thought had come from him. Nevertheless, God instructs you to carry on as if working for him, rather than dwelling on your circumstances. That is because it is through those situations that he becomes your central focus, and you learn to cling to him above all other things - including your ambitions. Today, take heart that as long as you serve God, you are doing exactly as you are supposed to. Even if you lack work, he has assignments for you to accomplish. Someday soon, he will restore your dreams in a powerful way.

Word Of The Day (Always Thankful)
Good afternoon. The moment you permit your mind to dwell with dissatisfaction, you begin to lose ground.

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