Saturday, July 7, 2007

Once again, back is the incredible...

Yeah, it's been a good minute since I've written something. Life has been interesting to say the least. The NMF have come and gone. The Peace Corps app is almost finished. I've found some other opportunities that are more inline with far, so good.

I learned a lesson from NMF#2 - she is small for her age, but that doesn't stop her from doing anything. At the playground, she climbs the highest slides and chooses the most difficult railings. In general, she lives her life by this philosophy "Not only do I have a right to be here, I am going to exercise that right. I am going to enjoy myself while I am here and your issues are not going to stop me."

Turns out some folks who "supported" me are growing weary of me and seem now to be "tolerating my whims". They have been not so subtlely hinting that I quit messing around with Peace Corps/ other things that would allow me to leverage my passion to make a difference in the world (and pay me a salary) to jump back into the corporate sector to pimp whatever comes my way. At the end of the day, it seems that they are overly concerned about me making mo' money, mo' money, mo' money. The idea of living your passion instead of milking a cash cow seems to be rather foreign.

Thankfully, I also have folks who support me that really support me. As my sistafriend Kelle told me, "You take opportunities when they come, you make decisions about grabbing all life has to offer....that's you. {Names ommitted} live a different life in a different way. Be true to you."
At the beginning of this whole adventure...Monica the great gave me this advice "Don't let other people's ish become your ish".

So I press on keeping the lesson of NMF#2, the words of Kelle and the advice of Moni close to my heart.

Here's the pictorial review of the Makina Loca concert. Just in case you can't see it in my face; AWESOME.

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