Tuesday, July 17, 2007

In a moment of weakness, I was convinced that I did not have the wherewithal to lose weight. So I sought salvation in the form of a trainer. I signed a ridiculous AND expensive 12 month contract...so I'm kinda stuck with it until I move.

Today, my trainer blew my mind. I was telling her about "YOU on a Diet".

Here are some highlights from the conversation:
Me:"It's a whole life change. Something that I can stick to while losing the weight and once I reach my goal."
Her (confused): "You want to lose weight"
Me: "Yes" Her: "What's your goal weight?"
Me: "Well, I'm not sure what the weight is, but I do know the size. That's something I like about this program is that it deals with waist sizes. I'm currently 46.5" and I would like to get to around 31" "
Her: "That's a big goal."
Me:"It's not like I'm trying to make it happen tomorrow."
Her: "So what's this diet like?"
Me: "It's not really a diet, it's more of a lifestyle plan...."
Her (interrupting and dismissive): "Diet means the way that you eat. So if you ate fatty food all day, that would be your diet"

You get the gist of the conversation.

I've been putting up with her ish for way too long. As I was on the treadmill, it hit me that I was acting powerless. So I summoned up some ovicular fortitude and made some decisions.

After my cardio I left her a note letting her know that
1) I want to make the new plan work and part of the plan requires support
2) I was disappointed in her because: a) She was surprised when I told her I wanted to lose weight b) She was dismissive of my goal
3) As a trainer, I expected positive support and willingness to work with me and my new plan in order to meet my goal
4) I was cancelling this week's sessions because I wanted to get the plan down before returning to the gym. Since I was not going to see her, I would use the regimen in the book.

We'll see what changes come next week.


Foofa said...

I hope she gets her act together. Does she realize you are paying her and can probably get another trainer if need be?

Urban Chick said...

Yeah, she needs to recognize. I've been in this wierd place where I was playing submissive powerless fat chick, but no more.

We'll see how she does next week after our "talk".