Monday, July 16, 2007

On the path

Non-sequitir #1: Beulah forgot to do the wash and now the only clothes that I can roll out in today are workout clothes. There's a lot to do today and clothes washing will have to wait for this evening.

Non-sequitir #2: As I have gotten older, I have gotten more hirsuite. Used to be I only had to shave my legs once every month to get that smooth feeling. I hit 32 and it became once every week. I thought I would head it off at the pass by using follicles laughed. Now I have serious stubble and that ain't fab.

Non-sequitir #3: Moni has to get a team together for VH1 World Series of Trivia. I answered so many questions it was a shame. My favorite answer -"Da Butt" by EU. My attempt to recall my favorite quote "Of course I knew it was Lou Gossset, Jr. My blackness wouldn't allow otherwise."

I have been working on the next step in life. Peace Corps app is coming along. One essay left to go. I placed my Marketing resume on Monster and Career Builder - plenty of hits coming my way. As I field these offers, I realise that I could move to a big city, do the marketing thing by day and volunteer in my me time. That allows me to continue to build my resume (prepping me for a director position in a non-profit), build my finances, live a life AND give back to the community. That may be the preferred path...


Traveling Matt said...

is it too late to get a team?

Urban Chick said...

For this year it is.